Samuel Akeroyd
(fl.1685 - 1705)

Tinking Tom was an honest man
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This work, Akeroyd : Tinking Tom was an honest man : scoreid 145453, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
This edition comprises the catch in both abbreviated and fully written-out formats.

Akeroyd was a Yorkshireman (according to Sir John Hawkins) removed to London, whose songs and theatre airs were printed in many collections from the 1680s to the 1720s.
Lyrics: Anon

Tinking Tom was an honest man
Tink a tink tink,
And a man of bonny mettle;
He dext'rously could clink the pan,
Clink a clink clink,
And stop a hole i' th' kettle.

To him did my lady's maid advance
"Come in thou man of mettle,
A sad mischance, a sad mischance,
Here's a hole in my lady's kettle".

Tom went hamm'ring on the place
And wrought like a man of mettle;
But when he had done, 'twas all a case
There's a hole in my lady's kettle.