Stephen Storace
(1762 - 1796)

Storace : If wine and music have the pow'r : illustration

If wine and music have the pow'r
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This work, Storace : If wine and music have the pow'r : scoreid 148352, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. c.1782 in Storace's Eight Canzonets. The accompaniment is for piano or harp.
Lyrics: Matthew Prior

If Wine and Music have the pow'r
To ease the sickness of the soul;
Let Phoebus ev'ry string explore,
And Bacchus fill the sprightly bowl.
Let Them their friendly aid employ,
To make my Chloe's absence light;
And seek for pleasure, to destroy
The sorrows of this live-long night.

But she tomorrow will return:
Venus, be thou tomorrow great;
Thy myrtles strew, thy odours burn,
And meet thy fav'rite nymph in state.
Kind goddess, to no other pow'rs
Let us tomorrow's blessings own:
My darling love shall guide the hours;
And all the day be thine alone.