Thomas Chilcot
(c.1707 - 1766)

Hark, hark the lark (reduced accompaniment)
Voice and keyboard part (PDF), €0.60 for a single copy   Buy this item
Violoncello part (PDF), €0.20 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
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Chilcot's "Twelve English songs", 1744, a collection of fully accompanied concert songs, was one of the earliest collections of its kind, and also one of the most successful. The subscription list included both composers (amongst them, Avison, Boyce and Handel) and patrons amongst the Ton of London and Bath, where Chilcot was organist at the Abbey. The songs were probably intended for public performance, at the Pump Room or various Assembly Rooms in Bath, or at pleasure gardens in Bath or London. The vocal line in the original print employs the standard "unisex" treble clef. I have allocated songs to Tenor or Soprano depending upon subject matter, but any song may be taken by either voice, with the exception of "Come thou monarch of the vine", for which Chilcot specified a Bass/Baritone (Tenor in this edition). Each song is available with full orchestral parts. Versions are also available with condensed orchestral parts in the keyboard, enabling performance in reduced musical circumstances.
Lyrics: William Shakespeare

Hark! Hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings,
And Phoebus 'gins arise,
His steeds to water at those springs
On chalic'd flowers that lies;
And winking Mary-buds begin
To ope their golden eyes;
With everything that pretty is,
My lady sweet, arise.