Richard John Samuel Stevens
(1757 - 1837)

Charming to love is morning's hour
(S.S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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From "Eight glees expressly composed for ladies".
Lyrics: Hannah Cowley

Charming to love is morning's hour,
When from her crystal, roseate tow'r
She sees the goddess Health pursue
The skimming breeze thro' fields of dew;
Charming the flaming hour of noon,
When the sunk linnet's fading tune
Allures him to the beechy grove;
Or when some ragg'd grotesque alcove
Sounds in his ear its tinkling rill,
And tempts him to its moss-grown sill.
Most charm'd when on his tranced mind
Is whispered in the passing wind
The name of her whose name is bliss;
Or when he all unseen can kiss
The fringed bank where late she lay,
Hidden from th'imperious day.