Giovanni Bononcini
(1670 - 1747)

Bononcini : When Saul was king over us : illustration

When Saul was king over us
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"The Anthem which was performed in King Henry VII's chappel at the funeral of the most noble and victorious prince John Duke of Marlborough. The words taken out of holy scripture and set to musick by Mr. Bononcini." London, 1722.

Marlborough's first burial service in Westminster Abbey was one befitting a national hero. He was reinterred in the chapel at Blenheim in 1744.
Lyrics: From 2 Samuel, Leviticus, Lamentations and Zechariah

When Saul was king over us, thou wast he that leddest us out and broughtest in Israel: the Lord then said to thee: thou shalt be captain over Israel, and you shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword.
How are the mighty fallen; the weapons perished of war.
How doth the city solitary sit! She that was great amongst the nations, and princess of the provinces.
All the night she weepeth sore, and her tears are on her cheeks.
Howl, O ye fir trees, for the cedar is fallen.