Venanzio Rauzzini
(1746 - 1810)

Rauzzini : My Stella sleeps : illustration

My Stella sleeps
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"Printed for the author by Charles Steart and sold by Messrs Lintern's, Bath and Messrs Longman & Broderip and other Principal Music Sellers in London." Composed, presumably, for use in the Bath concerts.
Lyrics: Anna Seward

My Stella sleeps; the sultry hour
Seals her soft eye-lids in the bow'rs,
And see! The snowy rose she wore
Is fall'n upon the verdant floor.

Ah! Rose, thou hast fled from a throne
Where thy fairness and scent are out-done,
And the graces that rival thy own
Thy envy has taught thee to shun.

And Oh! since thy thorns might annoy
A breast all the graces adorn,
To the mansion of love and of joy,
Pale rover, thou shalt not return.