Stephen Storace
(1762 - 1796)

Storace : Ye shepherds so cheerful and gay : illustration

Ye shepherds so cheerful and gay
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This work, Storace : Ye shepherds so cheerful and gay : scoreid 148337, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. c.1782 in Storace's Eight Canzonets. The accompaniment is for piano or harp.
Lyrics: William Shenstone

Ye shepherds, so cheerful and gay,
Whose flocks never carelessly roam;
Should Corydon's happen to stray,
Oh, call the poor wanderers home.
Allow me to muse and to sigh
Nor talk of the change that ye find;
None once was so watchful as I:
I've left my dear Phyllis behind.

But why do I languish in vain,
Why wander thus pensively here?
Oh! why did I come from the plain,
Where I fed on the smiles of my dear?
They tell me my favourite maid,
The pride of the valley is flown:
Alas! where with her I have stray'd,
I could wander with pleasure alone.

When forced the fair nymph to forego,
What anguish I felt at my heart!
Yet I thought, but it might not be so,
'Twas with pain that she saw me depart.
She gazed as I slowly withdrew,
My path I could hardly discern;
So sweetly she bade me adieu,
I thought that she bade me return.