Samuel Arnold
(1740 - 1802)

Arnold : Ye nymphs and sylvan gods : illustration

Ye nymphs and sylvan gods
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This work, Arnold : Ye nymphs and sylvan gods : scoreid 148543, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
From The Enraged Musician, a musical entertainment founded on Hogarth, performed at the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket, 1789. Sung by Miss George.
Lyrics: George Colman

Ye nymphs and sylvan gods
That love green fields and woods,
When spring newly-born,
Loves herself to adorn
With flow'rs and blooming buds,
In cheerful lays sing in the praise,
Amidst the pleasant vale
of those that choose their sleep to lose,
And in the cold dews with clouted shoes
Still carry the milking pail.

When cold bleak winds do roar
And flowers spring no more,
The fields, lately seen
So pleasant and green,
By winter all candied o'er.
Oh! how the town lass looks,
With her white face and her lips of deadly pale;
But it is not so with those that go
Thro' frost and snow, with cheeks that glow,
To carry the milking pail.

The miss of courtly mould,
Adorn'd with pearls and gold,
With washes and paint
Her skin does so taint,
She's wrinkled before she's old.
Whilst she in commode puts on a cartload,
And with cushions plumps up her tail;
What joys are found in rustic gown,
Young, plump and round and sweet and sound,
Along with the milking pail.