George Berg
(c.1730 - 1775)

Swell the song in strains sublime
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This work, Berg : Swell the song in strains sublime : scoreid 148585, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Between 1763 and 1794 Thomas Warren published, through differing publishers, an annual collection of catches, canons and glees, under the aegis of the Catch Club. This item was published in the fourth collection.
Lyrics: B.C., Derbyshire

Swell the song in strains sublime,
Let majestic numbers flow;
Verse and harmony combine
To hail celestial charms below.
Warbling birds, now tune your lays,
Echo join in Delia's praise;
All assist me to declare
The charms of lovely Delia fair.

Lovely as the rising morn,
In the vernal season gay,
Nobler graces will adorn
When youth and beauty shall decay.
Smiles of innocence and love,
Words that angels might approve,
Comely dress and pleasing air;
All charms unite in Delia fair.