Friedrich Weissensee
(c.1560 - 1622)

Peccavi super numerum arenæ maris
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Publ. Magdeburg, 1602.
Lyrics: Prayer of Manasseh 1: 9,10

Peccavi super numerum arenæ maris
et multiplicata sunt peccata mea:
et non sum dignus videre altitudinem cœli,
præ multitudine iniquitatis meæ.
Quoniam irritavi iram tuam,
et malum coram te feci.

I have sinned above the number of the sand in the sea,
my transgressions are exceeding many:
and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of the heavens,
for the multitude of mine unrighteousness.
For I have provoked thy wrath,
and done evil before thee.

(Geneva Bible)