Elway Bevin
(c.1555 - 1638)

By mirth much sickness is clean abject
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This work, Bevin : By mirth much sickness is clean abject : scoreid 149002, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as https://www.notamos.co.uk/detail.php?scoreid=149002. Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at https://www.notamos.co.uk/index.php?sheet=about.
A freeman's song recorded in John Baldwin's Commonplace Book.
Lyrics: Anon

By mirth much sickness is clean abject,
By mirth much malice is set at rest;
For mirth drives men out of suspect,
With mirth much sorrow is overpress'd;
And with mirth each heart is eased,
And without mirth few hearts are pleased.
Mirth quick'neth men's wits, the bodies maketh strong;
Mirth quieteth men's minds, setteth sorrows at rest.
Mirth comforteth the soul that mirth be not wrong,
Mirth with honesty is ever the best:
For honest mirth the soul maketh glad,
And mirth with sin the soul maketh sad.