Samuel Arnold
(1740 - 1802)

Arnold : Erect your heads, eternal gates : illustration

Erect your heads, eternal gates
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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An anthem for Ascension Day.
Lyrics: Psalm 24, v.7-10 (Tate & Brady)

Erect your heads, eternal gates,
Unfold to entertain
The king of Glory; see, he comes
With his celestial train.
Who is this King of Glory? who?
The Lord for strength renown'd;
In battle mighty o'er his foes,
Eternal victor crown'd.

Erect your heads, ye gates, unfold
In state to entertain
The King of Glory: see he comes
With all his shining train.
Who is this King of Glory? who?
The Lord of hosts renown'd;
He is the King of Glory,
Who is with glory crown'd.