John Hindle
(1761 - 1796)

Tell my Strephon that I die
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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From "The professional collection of glees for three, four and five voices. Composed by the following authors, Callcott, Cooke, Danby, Hindle Stevens and Webbe. Book price 12/-. London. Printed and sold by Preston at his wholesale warehouses, 97 Strand. Where may be had The Ladies Amusement, a collection of the most esteemed glees.."
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

Tell my Strephon that I die; let echoes to each other tell,
'Til the mournful accents fly to Strephon's ear, and all is well.
But gently breathe the fatal truth, and soften every harsher sound:
For Strephon's such a tender youth, the softest notes too deep will wound.
Now fountains, echoes, all be dumb; For should I cost my swain a tear,
I should repent it in my tomb, and grieve I bought my rest so dear.