John Danby
(c.1757 - 1798)

Come my Laura
(A.T.T.B. + reduction)
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From "The professional collection of glees for three, four and five voices. Composed by the following authors, Callcott, Cooke, Danby, Hindle Stevens and Webbe. Book price 12/-. London. Printed and sold by Preston at his wholesale warehouses, 97 Strand. Where may be had The Ladies Amusement, a collection of the most esteemed glees.."
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

Come my Laura, haste away, come in all thy sweetness gay,
What have we with crowds to do? What with courtly pomp and show?
Now, when Sol's declining fire a thousand tender thoughts inspire,
Let us trace yon upland grove and banquet on the sweets of love.
The muses shall attend our walk, and sentiment illume our talk,
For all conspire their bliss to crown, whose animated souls are one.