Joah Bates
(1741 - 1799)

Bates : Too plain, dear youth : illustration

Too plain, dear youth
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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Between 1763 and 1794 Thomas Warren published, through differing publishers, an annual collection of catches, canons and glees, under the aegis of the Catch Club. This item was published in the tenth such collection.
Lyrics: Soame Jenyns

Too plain, dear youth, these tell-tale eyes
My heart your own declare;
But for heav'n's sake let it suffice
You reign triumphant there.

Forbear your utmost pow'r to try,
Nor farther urge your sway;
Press not for what I must deny,
For fear I should obey.

Be you yourself my virtue's guard,
Defend and not pursue.;
Since 'tis a task, for me too hard,
To strive with love and you.