Thomas Norris
(1741 - 1790)

Norris : On the death of the Duke of Cumberland : illustration

On the death of the Duke of Cumberland
(A.T.T.B. + reduction)
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From Warren's fifth collection of catches, canons and glees. Norris was organist of St John's College, Oxford when he wrote this Elegiac, and eventually became the organist Of Christ Church (Oxford Cathedral).The Duke of Cumberland was an indifferent military commander (Thomas Carlyle referred to him as "a general who was beaten by everyone that took the trouble"); he earned the deeply-felt gratitude of the nation (including the greater part of the Scots) by defeating the Young Pretender at Culloden, thereby consolidating the Hanoverian succession.

Michael Kelly issued a catchpenny version in 1805 from his Opera Saloon, Pall Mall, recycling Norris's work by dropping the title and amending the first line to "O'er Nelson's Tomb"
Lyrics: Anon

O'er William's tomb, with silent grief oppressed
Britannia mourns her hero now at rest;
Not tears alone but praises too she gives,
Due to the guardian of our laws and lives;
Nor shall that laurel ever fade with years,
Whose leaves are watered with a nation's tears.