Benjamin Cooke
(1734 - 1793)

Cooke : In the merry month of May : illustration

In the merry month of May
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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This glee gained a Catch Club Prize Medal in 1773.
Lyrics: Nicholas Breton

In the merry month of May
In a morn, by break of day,
Forth I walked, by the woodside,
Where, as May was in his pride,
There I spied, all alone,
Phillida and Corydone.
Much ado there was, God wot,
For he would love but she would not.
She said, "Never man was true";
He said "None was false to you";
He said he had loved too long;
She said love should have no wrong.
Corydone would kiss her then,
She said fair maids must kiss no men
'Til they did for good and all.
Then she made the shepherd call
On all the heav'ns to witness truth:
That never loved a truer youth.
Thus, with many a pretty oath,
Yea and nay, and faith and troth,
Such as silly shepherds use
When they will not love abuse;
Love, which had been long deluded, was
With kisses sweet concluded;
And Phillida, with garland gay,
Was crowned the Lady of the May.