Richard John Samuel Stevens
(1757 - 1837)

Some of my heroes are low
(A.T.T.B.B. + reduction)
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"Glee for 5 voices The poetry from Ossian, (via Darthula) Composed and Dedicated to his Friend Thomas Carlyle By RJS Stevens. Entered at Stationers Hall. Price 2/6d. Printed for the author, Charterhouse." Written in 1792, this glee was submitted to the Catch Club in that year, but failed to be awarded a prize.
Lyrics: Ossian (James MacPherson)

Some of my heroes are low, I hear the sound of death on the harp. Bid the sorrow rise, that their spirits may fly with joy to Morven's woody hills. Bend forward from your clouds, ghosts of my fathers. Lay by the red terror of your course, receive the falling chief; whether he comes from a distant land or rises from the rolling sea. And O, let his countenance be lovely, that his friends may rejoice in his presence.