John Broderip
(1719 - 1770)

By music, minds an equal temper know
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John Broderip was perhaps the most prominent member of a dynasty of west country musicians. He was organist at Wells Cathedral (succeeding his father) and published psalmody and glees. This glee comes from his collection of six (Op. 5), c.1770; he also wrote glees in collaboration with Henry Harington, M.D. in Wells then Bath, and leading light of the Bath Harmonic Society.
Lyrics: Alexander Pope

By music, minds an equal temper know,
Nor swell too high, nor sink too low.
If in the breast tumultous joys arise,
Music her soft assuasive voice applies;
Or when the soul is press'd with cares
Exalts her in enliven'd airs.
Warriors she fires with animated sounds;
Pours balm into the bleeding lover's wounds;
Melancholy lifts her head,
Morpheus rouses from his bed,
Sloth unfolds her arms and wakes,
List'ning envy drops her snakes.
Intestine war no more our passions rage;
Ev'n giddy factions hear away their rage.

(Ode on St Cecilia's Day)