Benjamin Cooke
(1734 - 1793)

Cooke : Susanna and the two elders : illustration

Susanna and the two elders
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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Between 1763 and 1794 Thomas Warren published, through differing publishers, an annual collection of catches, canons and glees, under the aegis of the Catch Club. This item was published in the fourteenth collection.
Lyrics: Matthew Prior, in imitation of Geoffrey Chaucer

Fair Susan did her wifehode well mayntayne,
Algates assaulted sore by leachers twayne.
Now, an I reade arighte the auncient song
The paramours were olde, the dame was yong.
Had thilk same tale in other guise been told
Had they been yong and she been olde.
Pardie. That wou'd ha' been much sorer tryale,
Full marvailous I wot, were such denyale.