Richard John Samuel Stevens
(1757 - 1837)

Prithee foolish boy
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In his Recollections (O.U.P. 1992) Stevens said of this glee: "Jonathan Battishill was the first person that informed me of its insertion in Warren's Collection. He likewise said to me, at the same time, "That I had mistaken the idea of the first part of the poetry; that I should have endeavoured to have given the expression of contempt". This I thanked him for, as it was an admirable observation, and strictly true."
Lyrics: Anon

Prithee foolish boy, give o'er,
Cease thy bosom to torment;
Prithee sigh and whine no more,
Come with me and taste content.
Love's a foe of thine and mine;
Let's drown the god in gen'rous wine.