Charles Jenner
(1736 - 1774)

Hail, lovely shade
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Jenner was a clergyman (Rector of Cranford St John, Northants, then Vicar of Lutterworth and Claybrook, Leics.) and accomplished author, poet and amateur musician. This glee was published by Warren in his seventh collection printed for the Catch Club.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

Hail, lovely shade, where my love-stricken mind
Sought fond relief in thinking of my love.
In those bless'd hours, what rapture did I find;
How sweet, but ah, how swiftly did they move.
How fondly did I love! Sure from her eye
Love sent the sharpest arrows in his store;
Ah, foolish heart, why heaves th'unbidden sigh?
Ah, hast thou forgot thou lov'st her now no more?