
Anon : Elegy on the death of Miss Maria Linley : illustration

Elegy on the death of Miss Maria Linley
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Maria Linley was the daughter of Thomas Linley the elder, a professional singer (like her sister Elizabeth) who died tragically young (like so many of her siblings). The composer of this glee is unrecorded, but is more likely to be her father and not her brother William, who subsequently earned the greater reputation as a writer of glees.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

She's gone, she's gone, she's gone.
Lament the fair in songs of woe,
Your notes diffuse around;
Whose warbled strains
Flow in elegance of sound.
Ye youths of Britain,
Heard ye not the knell?
A parent's loss deplore
Tho. Sad their melancholy tale to tell,
Maria is no more.