Reginald Spofforth
(1770 - 1827)

Why flows the muse's mournful tear
(A.T.T.T.B. + reduction)
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A setting of the epitaph on the monument in Westminster Abbey to Phillip Carteret, who died aged 19 whilst still a King's Scholar at Westminster. The epitaph was written (in Latin) by the then (1710) Second Master at the school.
Lyrics: Robert Friend

Why flows the muse's mournful tear
For thee, cut down in life's full prime?
Why sighs for thee the parent dear,
Cropt by the scythe of hoary time?
Lo, this, my boy, the common lot!
To me thy memory entrust.

When all that's dear shall be forgot,
I'll guard thy venerable dust;
From age to age, as I proclaim
Thy learning, piety and truth,
Thy great example shall inflame,
And emulation raise in youth.