Joseph Corfe (arr.)
(1740 - 1820)

Will you hear how once repining
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From Corfe's third set of glees. The model on which this arrangement is based remains unidentified.
Lyrics: William Shenstone

Will you hear how once repining
Great Eliza captive lay;
Each ambitious thought resigning,
Foe to riches, pomp and sway?

Hark to yonder milkmaid singing
Cheerly o'er the brimming pail;
Cowslips, all around her springing,
Sweetly paint the golden vale.

Would indulgent heav'n had granted
Me some rural damsel's part;
All the empire I had wanted
Then had been my shepherd's heart.

Then with him o'er hills and mountains,
Free from fetters might I rove;
Fearless taste the crystal fountains,
Peaceful sleep beneath the grove.