Stephen Storace
(1762 - 1796)

Storace : From shades of night : illustration

From shades of night
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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An aria from the opera "Mahmoud", arranged as a glee by Joseph Corfe. See also the companion piece, "Toll, toll the knell".
Lyrics: Anon

From shades of night does morning break
Or is't my fair I see?
In bow'rs of promised bliss I wake
To life, and thee.
Far from Elysian joys shall pine
The wretch who love disdains;
Here roseate wreaths shall houris twine
And heav'n reward my pain
With joys forever mine
With love, and thee.

Ah still my fair, while life does last,
My heart shall constant be,
And when the fleeting scene is past,
Will dwell with thee.
Far from Elysian joys shall pine
The wretch who love disdains;
Here roseate wreaths shall houris twine
And heav'n reward my pain
With joys forever mine
With love, and thee.