John Scott
(c.1775 - 1815)

Hush'd is each breath of air
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At the date of publication of his first (and only extant) set of glees (c.1799) Scott was deputy organist at the Chapel Royal and at Westminster Abbey.
Lyrics: I.M.

Hush'd in each breath of air, no Zephyr plays
'Mong beds of woodland violets but laid,
Reposes careless on the mountain's shade.
No songster warbles 'bout the deep-wove hedge;
The silent linnet, nestling to his mate,
Waits for the glad return of evening late,
To seek a short repast in yonder hedge.
When lo, a tempest rude the scene deforms,
And o'er the landscape, with resistless sweep,
Invokes the teeming terrors of the deep
To mingle with the dread and horrid storm.
And thus prosperity, with harlot smile,
Thou thinking heart of youth will oft beguile.
Till soon she leaves the wretch to cold despair,
And then the empty shade dissolves in air.