John Danby
(c.1757 - 1798)

Rosy finger'd goddess rise
(S.S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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Between 1763 and 1794 Thomas Warren published, through differing publishers, an annual collection of catches, canons and glees, under the aegis of the Catch Club. This item was published in the twenty-first collection.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

Rosy finger'd goddess rise,
Fair Aurora mount the skies;
Leave, O leave your crystal bed,
Deck'd with coral beauteous red.
From each bush the feather'd choir
Warbling sweet, new joys inspire;
Warbling sweet, each myrtle grove
Returns to greet the god of love.
Come then shepherds, come away,
Come ye damsels fair and gay;
Release your herds and snowy sheep
That they the pearly dew may sip,
More grateful to the thirsty flocks
Than to Narcissus's golden locks;
Come ere Sol's asservent beams
Parch the fields or heat the streams.
Clad each in his best array,
We'll celebrate this holiday;
Dancing, music, cheerful song
Shall the fleeting hours prolong.