Richard John Samuel Stevens
(1757 - 1837)

See what horrid tempests rise
(A.T.T.B. + reduction)
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This glee gained a Catch Club prize medal in 1782.
Lyrics: Horace (trans. Philip Francis)

See what horrid tempests rise
And contract the clouded skies,
Snows and showers fill the air
And bring down the atmosphere.

Hark, what tempests sweep the floods,
How they shake the rattling woods.
Let us, while it's in our power,
Let us seize the fleeting hour;
While our cheeks are fresh and gay,
Let us drive old age away.

Then let mirth and joy be thine,
Mirthful songs and joyous wine,
And with converse blithe and gay
Drive all gloomy cares away.