John Christopher Smith
(1712 - 1795)

Smith : Orpheus with his lute (full accompaniment) : illustration

Orpheus with his lute (full accompaniment)
Full score (PDF), €1.00 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Voice and Keyboard part (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Oboe part (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Violin I part (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Violin II part (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Viola part (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Violoncello & Contrabass part (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Printable cover page (PDF), €0.00 for unlimited copies   Download this item
Score, part(s) and cover page (PDF), €3.80 for bundled copies   Buy this item

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From "The Fairies", 1755, an opera composed to an adaptation by Garrick of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The piece is offered in its original version with orchestral accompaniment, and also with an accompaniment reduced to oboe and continuo.
Lyrics: William Shakespeare

Orpheus with his lute made trees
And the mountain tops that freeze
Bow themselves when he did sing.
To his music plants and flowers
Ever sprung, as sun and showers
There had made a lasting spring.

Every thing that heard him play,
Ev'n the billows of the sea,
Hung their heads and then lay by.
In sweet music is such art,
Killing care and grief of heart.
Fall asleep, or hearing, die.