Joseph Baildon
(c.1727 - 1774)

The Primrose Opening Graced the Bank
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One of Baildon's works in which he maintains his precedency in setting semi-disguised pornography. Many composers would use a May day setting to introduce a maypole: Baildon includes an imposing erection of an entirely different nature. Phill (despite appearances) is a young maiden, whereas Frank is clearly a fine, upstanding swain.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

The primrose op'ning grac'd the bank.
The linnet warbled on the spray;
When, with becoming gesture, Frank
To Phill address'd his roundelay.

O touch and take of young desire
This ready proof, my gentle maid,
Haste, meet my joy with equal fire;
Rapture should never be delayed.

Of genial spring this off'ring use,
Let not the golden minute slip,
Nor risk the balmy juice to lose
Between the goblet and the lip.

What now beneath your pressure swells,
Cold and insensible may prove;
Its pulse in trembling measure tells
The present is the time of love.