Joseph William Holder
(1764 - 1832)

Say not so, friar
(S.S.B. (or T.T.B.))
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Written to be performed as a reply/riposte to "Sigh no more, ladies".
Lyrics: Anon

Say not so, friar! Friar say not so,
That men are constant never;
For my true love has died for me,
And doomed me wretched ever;
Then let me sigh, until I die,
Nor e'er be blithe and bonny,
Or quit my plaintive song of woe,
For - hey nonny, nonny.

Say not so, friar! Friar say not so,
For time does now discover,
Since summer trees were leafy seen,
Ne'er lived so true a lover.
Then let me sigh, until I die,
Nor e'er be blithe and bonny,
Or quit my plaintive song of woe,
For - hey nonny, nonny.