Stephen Paxton
(1734 - 1787)

Arise, ye happy nymphs and swains
(S.A.T.B. + reduction)
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From A Collection of Glees and Catches published as Paxton's Op. 5.
Lyrics: Sir Thomas Wyatt

Arise ye happy nymphs and swains,
And hie away to yonder plains,
Arise, for shame arise, I say,
To celebrate the sweets of May.

But let me undisturbed lie,
With heaving heart and tearful eye;
Be mirth and music far away
With me 'tis melancholy May.

For I, alas, am doomed to prove
The pangs of unsuccessful love.
Daphne has stole my heart away,
And bittered all the sweets of May.

But should the fair one e'er prove kind,
That soothing hope supports my mind,
O then how bless'd will be each day,
And ev'ry month will then be May.