Robert Broderip
(1758 - 1808)

Sweet is the breath of balmy morn
(S.S. or T.T.)
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From Broderip's "Miscellaneous collection of vocal music" published as his Op. IX.
Lyrics: Anon

Sweet is the breath of balmy morn,
That scents the ambient air
When dewdrops deck the fragrant thorn,
With glitt'ring spangles fair.

Fair is the face that Nature shews
When vernal beauties bloom;
When Flora's tribes their charms disclose
And shed their rich perfume.

But sweeter than morn's fragrant breath
Are Delia's charms divine;
More fair than Spring or flow'r-clad heath
Her matchless beauties shine.

On her has nature's lavish hand
Poured all her richest store;
Beauty, our wonder to demand,
And virtue to adore.