
The Garlands Fade, that Spring So Lightly Wove
(A.T.B. or S.S.B.)
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Glee a 3 Voc. The words by Charlotte Smith. Composed by an Amateur. London, 1793.

In accordance with the publisher's directions this glee is offered in slightly differing versions for women's or men's voices.
Lyrics: Charlotte Smith

The garlands fade, that spring so lightly wove,
Each simple flower which she has nursed in dew;
Anemonies that spangled ev'ry grove,
The primrose wan and harebell mildly blue.

No more shall violets linger in the dell,
Or purple orchis variegate the plain,
Till Spring again shall call forth ev'ry bell,
And dress with flowers her native fields again.

Ah! poor humanity! so frail, so fair
Are the fond visions of thy early day
Till tyrant passion and corrosive care
Bid all thy fairy colours fade away.

Another May shall other garlands bring:
Ah, why has happiness no second spring?