Thomas Linley
(1733 - 1795)

Linley : Ye sportive loves that round me wait : illustration

Ye sportive loves that round me wait
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Elegy II from "Elegies for three Voices with an accompanyment for a Harpsichord and Violoncello Composed by Thomas Linley of Bath. London. Printed by P, Welcher in Gerrard Street, Soho, for the Author, and sold at his house in Bath; and at the Music Shops, where may be had the Opera of ye Royal Merchant by the same Author." c.1770.
Lyrics: Casimir Sarbiewski (trans. Samuel Say)

Ye sportive loves that round me wait,
On this high poplar hang my lyre,
While heav'n thus smiles and vernal airs
Play wanton in the leaves.

The trembling strings a whisp'ring breeze
Soft shall attune, while I beneath
On this green bank supinely lie,
Thus carelessly diffused.

The rilling brook that murmurs by
Shall lull my thoughts, till gentle sleep
Seize me with pleasing golden dreams
Of my Emira blest.

Give me the Queen of Beauty's throne,
With eyes that speak the soul of love,
Sweet as the breath of rising morn,
Or breezes from the spicy grove.
O come, with all thy heav'n of charms,
And take me dying to thy arms.