Thomas Linley
(1733 - 1795)

Linley : Parent of blooming flowers : illustration

Parent of blooming flowers
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Elegy IV from "Elegies for three Voices with an accompanyment for a Harpsichord and Violoncello Composed by Thomas Linley of Bath. London. Printed by P, Welcher in Gerrard Street, Soho, for the Author, and sold at his house in Bath; and at the Music Shops, where may be had the Opera of ye Royal Merchant by the same Author." c.1770.
Lyrics: George Lyttleton Baron Lyttleton

Parent of blooming flow'rs and gay desires,
Youth of the tender year, delightful spring,
At whose approach, inspired with equal fires,
The am'rous nightingale and poet sing;
Thou dost return, but not with thee
Return the hours I once possessed;
To others cheerful but to me
Thou sadly tell'st I once was blest.

Thy charms, which winter snatched away,
Renewed in all their lustre shine,
But ah! no more shall I be gay,
Or know the joys that have been mine.

Tho' flow'rs adorn the sprightly green,
The fanning zephyrs fragrance bear,
Joyless to me is ev'ry scene,
Alas, my Damon is not there!

Cheerless, I feel the genial sun
From Damon absent, lost I rove;
Thy presence, dearest youth, alone
Can warm my heart to joy and love.