Thomas Linley
(1733 - 1795)

Linley : From blushing morn to evening mild : illustration

From blushing morn to evening mild
Vocal score (PDF), €0.50 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
Violoncello part (PDF), €0.10 for unlimited copies   Buy this item
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Vocal score, part(s) and cover page (PDF), €0.60 for bundled copies   Buy this item

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Elegy III from "Elegies for three Voices with an accompanyment for a Harpsichord and Violoncello Composed by Thomas Linley of Bath. London. Printed by P, Welcher in Gerrard Street, Soho, for the Author, and sold at his house in Bath; and at the Music Shops, where may be had the Opera of ye Royal Merchant by the same Author." c.1770.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

From blushing morn to ev'ning mild
In thy dear converse blest,
How sweet the golden minutes fly,
And every care has rest.

With thee each hour alike can charm
All seasons and their change;
The sun at noon, the shades at night,
While thus with thee I range.

How sweet the breath of opening morn
With charm of earliest birds;
What fragrance after falling showers
The evening mild affords.

But not the breath of opening morn,
Or charm from every grove,
Or fragrant sweets at evening mild
Can please without my love.

Still let me hear thy voice,
Still view thy heavenly charms,
Still lean on thy dear breast,
Still clasp thee in my arms;
Still let the melting lyre
Invite the balmy kiss,
Thus may we ever live,
secure of every bliss.