John Barrett
(c.1674 - c.1735)

Set in D major
Strings (Vn.Vn.Vc.): score, parts, and cover page (PDF), €2.50 for bundle   Buy this item
Reeds (Ob.Ob.Bass.): score, parts, and cover page (PDF), €2.50 for bundle   Buy this item

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1. Overture - 2. [Trumpet Air] - 3. [Minuet] - 4. [Jig] - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. [Jigg]

A set possibly written for the theatre, now surviving in three parts. As in other sets by Barrett (Tunbridge Walks, Mary Queen of Scots) one feels that the Ouverture is missing an important trumpet contribution. This happens so frequently as to suggest that perhaps Barrett had an unhealthy obsession with the D major triad (later movements indicate that his melodic sense was by no means deficient) or possibly that he was one of those men, observed by Dr Johnson, "who thinks meanly of himself for not having been a soldier".