Thomas Arne
(1710 - 1778)

Arne : Behold the sweet flowers around (arr. Jackson) : illustration

Behold the sweet flowers around (arr. Jackson)
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This piece is an adaptation as a canzonet of a song by Thomas Arne, published in Jackson's vocal quartets, Op. XI.

Jackson was organist of Exeter Cathedral and a theorist on music. A friend of Thomas Gainsborough, he corresponded with him on the subject of aesthetics.
Lyrics: ? Thomas Arne

Behold the sweet flowers around,
With all the bright beauties they wear,
Yet none on the plain can be found
So lovely as Celia is fair.
Ye warblers, come raise your sweet throats,
No longer in silence remain;
O lend a fond lover your notes,
To soften my Celia's disdain.

Oft-times in yon flowery vale,
I breathe my complaints in a song;
Fair Flora attends the soft tale,
And sweetens the borders along.
But Celia, whose breath might perfume
The bosom of Flora in May,
Still frowning, pronounces my doom,
Regardless of all I can say.