William Herschel
(1738 - 1822)

Herschel : Twenty four Capriccios, vol. 2 (XIII - XXIV) : illustration

Twenty four Capriccios, vol. 2 (XIII - XXIV)
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XIII G minor; XIV D minor; XV F minor; XVI G sharp minor; XVII D minor; XVIII B flat major; XIX C major; XX G major; XXI A major; XXII B flat minor; XXIII F major; XXIV A major

These pieces derive from a manuscript entitled "Capricii [sic] per il Violino Solo", dating probably from 1763. The original use is unknown; possibly as a teaching tool, support for an application for employment, or, most probably, for Herschel's private use in extending and maintaining his violin technique. The primary concerns tested in individual pieces are to develop a flexibility of fingering and a facility in crossing the strings.

The current edition adopts a light approach, restricted to the correction/amplification of accidentals, the standardization within pieces of articulation, and the provision of a few dynamics. The user of the Capricii is encouraged to devise his own bowing and fingering solutions. No scordatura tunings were envisaged by Herschel.