William Crotch
(1775 - 1847)

Mona on Snowdon calls
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An Ode from Mason's Caractacus sung at the vocal concerts of Messrs. Harrison, Bartleman & Greatorex, to whom it is respectfully inscribed by Wm. Crotch Mus. Prof. Oxon. Printed for the Author, London, 1815.
Lyrics: William Mason

Mona on Snowdon calls:
Hear, thou king of mountains, hear.
Hark, she speaks from all her strings,
Hark her loudest echo rings;
King of mountains bend thine ear,
Send thy spirits, send them soon;
Now, when midnight and the moon
Meet upon thy front of snow,
See their gold and ebon rod,
where the sober sisters nod
And greet in whispers sage and slow.
Snowdon mark, 'tis midnight's hour;
Now the mutter'd spell hath pow'r;
Pow'r to rend thy ribs of rock,
And burst thy base with thunder shock.
But to thee no ruder spell
Shall Mona use, than those that dwell
In music's secret cells, and lie
Steep'd in the stream of harmony.