Venanzio Rauzzini
(1746 - 1810)

Rauzzini : Blithe were the hours : illustration

Blithe were the hours
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"A favorite song sung with the greatest applause by Mrs Ashe, at the Bath Concerts. Composed by Mr Rauzzini. The words by William Bennet, Esqr." c.1810.
Lyrics: William Bennett

Blithe were the hours when Rosa smil'd,
More blithe than hours in May,
But she is now misfortune's child,
And sorrow marks her way.
O cruel fortune, cease to frown
Nor longer let your victim sigh;
In Lethe's lake her sorrows drown,
Her bitter tears in pity dry.

From morning dawn till gloomy night,
In silent grief she weeps alone;
Her love is lost, and past delight
Is now the source of endless moan.
O cruel fortune, cease to frown
Nor longer let your victim sigh;
In Lethe's lake her sorrows drown,
Her bitter tears in pity dry.