Samuel Holyoke (arr.)
(1762 - 1820)

Fourteen pieces for a military band
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Rakes of London - General Blakeney's Jig - Foot's minuet - Felton's gavot - Handel's gavot - Gavot in Otho - Fauson's maygot - Malbrouk - O dear, what can the matter be? - Drink to me only - Blue bells of Scotland - Shepherds, I have lost my love - Scots air - Nae luck aboot the hoose

A selection of three-part pieces from Holyoke's "Instrumental Assistant", Exeter, New Hampshire, vols I (1800) and II (1807).

These are not for military use per se, but reflect a repertoire of pieces that a band might be expected to perform at social and civilian functions: that repertoire includes some older items, but is mainly drawn from London theatrical entertainments of the last two decades of the eighteenth century. From 1756 until 1815 the United States and Great Britain had a common heritage of military music; wind bands of three parts at the commencement of the period, with the the increased size becoming fashionable in the early-mid 1780s. A typical band in the U.S. and in the English provinces at the later date would comprise two clarinets (or oboes or (rarer) flutes), two horns and two bassoons; showpiece bands such as that of the Duke of York would employ clarinets and oboes, with further brass, trumpets and serpents. This edition provides parts both for clarinets in Bb and for oboes.