Melchior Vulpius
(c.1570 - 1615)

Jerusalem gaude gaudio magno
(S.S.S.S.A.A.T.T. (or S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.))
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Creative Commons Licence
This work, Vulpius : Jerusalem gaude gaudio magno : scoreid 147300, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
From Selectissimarum cantionum sacrarum (part two), Jena, 1603. This edition is offered at original pitch for S.S.S.S.A.A.T.T. or transposed down a fourth for S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.
Lyrics: Anon

Jerusalem, gaude gaudio magno,
quia veniet tibi Salvator.
Dabo in Sion salutem,
et in Jerusalem gloriam meam.
Montes et colles humiliabuntur et erunt prava in directa
et aspera in vias planas.
Veni, Domine, et noli tardare.
Juste et pie vivamus expectantes beatam spem
et adventum Domini.

Rejoice greatly, O Jerusalem,
for the Saviour will come to you.
I will place my salvation in Zion,
and my glory in Jerusalem.
The mountains and hills shall be made low,
the crooked straight and the rough places plain.
Come, Lord, and do not delay.
We live justly and dutifully, in expectation of blessed hope
and the coming of the Lord.