John Church
(1675 - 1741)

Dear Saviour, oh what ails this heart?
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This work, Church : Dear Saviour, oh what ails this heart? : scoreid 147642, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
An hymn upon Good Friday. Published in Church's Introduction to Psalmody, London, 1723.
Lyrics: Anon

Dear Saviour, Oh what ails this heart?
Sure, 'tis of stone; it cannot smart
Nor yet relent the death of thee,
Whose death alone could ransom me.
Can I behold thy pains so great,
Thy dying sighs, thy bloody sweat,
Thy back with whips and scourges torn,
Thy sacred temples crowned with thorn,
Thy hands and feet nailed to the wood
And all thy body drowned in blood?
Canst thou pour forth such streams for me,
And I not drop one tear for thee?