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John Danby
(c.1757 - 1798)
As onward we jog
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As onward we jog
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Published in Danby's Third Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees, 1796.
Lyrics: Anon
As onward we jog thro' the mazes of life,
Now elated with hope, now depressed with fears,
'Tis the balm of the bottle that softens the strife,
And even prosperity's blessing endears.
In his bright sparkling stream is the magic combined,
Which can sorrow and care from the bosom displace,
Make the sunshine of gaiety float on the mind,
And the smile of contentment to beam from the face.
Come then, jolly god, with thy goblets well stored,
And while their soft powers my senses possess,
Let the bower of freedom a shelter afford,
And friendship make sacred the blissful recess.
Each wish then complete, in possession of these,
I never for riches or fame will contend;
Nor e'er, partial fortune, arraign thy decree,
If you leave unmolested my bottle and friend.
As onward we jog thro' the mazes of life,
Now elated with hope, now depressed with fears,
'Tis the balm of the bottle that softens the strife,
And even prosperity's blessing endears.
In his bright sparkling stream is the magic combined,
Which can sorrow and care from the bosom displace,
Make the sunshine of gaiety float on the mind,
And the smile of contentment to beam from the face.
Come then, jolly god, with thy goblets well stored,
And while their soft powers my senses possess,
Let the bower of freedom a shelter afford,
And friendship make sacred the blissful recess.
Each wish then complete, in possession of these,
I never for riches or fame will contend;
Nor e'er, partial fortune, arraign thy decree,
If you leave unmolested my bottle and friend.