Richard Alison
(fl.1586 - 1606)

Rest with yourselves
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This work, Alison : Rest with yourselves : scoreid 148304, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Published in An Howres Recreation in Musicke, London, 1606, and (according to the frontispiece) "framed for the delight of gentlemen and others which are well affected to that quality; all for the most part with two trebles necessary for such as teach in private families".
Lyrics: Anon

Rest with yourselves, you vain and idle brains,
Which youth and age in lewdest lust bestow,
And find out frauds, and use ten thousand trains
To win the soil, where nought but sin doth grow:
And live with me, you chaste and honest minds,
Which do your lives in lawful love employ,
And know no sleights, but friends for virtue finds,
And loathe the lust, which doth the soul destroy.

For lust is frail, where love is ever sound;
Lust, outward sweet; but inward, bitter gall:
A shop of shows, where no good ware is found;
Not like to love, where honest faith is all.
So that is lust, where fancy ebbs and flows,
And hates and loves, as beauty dies and grows;
And this is love, where friendship firmly stands
On virtue's rock, and not on sinful sands.