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Melchior Vulpius
(c.1570 - 1615)
Domine Deus Zebaoth
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Domine Deus Zebaoth
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From Selectissimarum cantionum sacrarum (part two), Jena, 1603.
Lyrics: Judith 6:15; 7:19-21
Domine Deus Zebaoth, intuere superbiam hostium nostrorum, et respice ad nostram humilitatem et faciem sanctorum tuorum attende, et ostende quoniam non derelinquis praesumentes de te: et praesumentes de se, et de sua virtute gloriantes, humilias.
Peccavimus cum patribus nostris iniuste egimus, iniquitatem fecimus.
Tu, quia pius es, miserere nostri, aut in tuo flagello vindica iniquitates nostras, et noli tradere confitentes te populo qui ignorat te, ut non dicant inter gentes: ubi est Deus eorum?
O Lord God of Sabaoth, behold the pride of our enemies, and look on our low condition, and have regard to the face of thy saints, and shew that thou forsakes not them that trust on thee, and that thou humblest them that presume of themselves, and glory in their own strength.
We have sinned with our fathers, we have done unjustly, we have commited iniquity.
Have thou mercy on us, because thou art good, or punish our iniquities by chastising us thyself, and deliver not them that trust in thee to a people that knoweth not thee, that they may not say among the gentiles: where is their God?
Domine Deus Zebaoth, intuere superbiam hostium nostrorum, et respice ad nostram humilitatem et faciem sanctorum tuorum attende, et ostende quoniam non derelinquis praesumentes de te: et praesumentes de se, et de sua virtute gloriantes, humilias.
Peccavimus cum patribus nostris iniuste egimus, iniquitatem fecimus.
Tu, quia pius es, miserere nostri, aut in tuo flagello vindica iniquitates nostras, et noli tradere confitentes te populo qui ignorat te, ut non dicant inter gentes: ubi est Deus eorum?
O Lord God of Sabaoth, behold the pride of our enemies, and look on our low condition, and have regard to the face of thy saints, and shew that thou forsakes not them that trust on thee, and that thou humblest them that presume of themselves, and glory in their own strength.
We have sinned with our fathers, we have done unjustly, we have commited iniquity.
Have thou mercy on us, because thou art good, or punish our iniquities by chastising us thyself, and deliver not them that trust in thee to a people that knoweth not thee, that they may not say among the gentiles: where is their God?