Claudin de Sermisy
(c.1490 - 1562)

Sermisy : Un grand plaisir : illustration

Un grand plaisir
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This work, Sermisy : Un grand plaisir : scoreid 148545, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. 1536.
Lyrics: Anon

Un grand plaisir Cupido me donna
Quand il me mit au lieu tant désiré
Mais faux report, le jaloux, m'abusa,
Qui sous la main de dangier m'a tiré.
Amour le sut et m'en a retiré,
Comme son serf de coeur de corps et d'âme;
Et n'est mon coeur d'autre cas martyré
Que du grief mal qu'en a ma seule dame.

Cupid caused me great joy
When he put me in so coveted a situation;
But envious false report traduced me,
And put me in harm's way.
Love realised, and distanced me again,
As if I were its slave in heart, body and soul;
And my heart is otherwise tortured
By my lonely lady's deep grief.